Black Deluxe Fishnet with Comfort Sole for Women


You’ll have sex appeal plus comfort while you are wearing these Black Deluxe Fishnet with Comfort Sole stockings!.

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The history of fishnets goes far back. They were a tool used to round up the fishies and scoop them up. How would we eat fish if not for fishnets? Oops! Wrong kind of fishnets! These fishnets don’t reel in those underwater dwellers. These fishnets accessorize any outfit by adding a hint of the sassy appeal to any look. They will reel in attention to your outfit and ability to stylize anything to look classy.These fishnets are designed with comfortable fabric on the sole to create a solid knit bottom. No more toes popping through and discomfort, or weird looking feet! A toe popping through stockings and causing a blister on a big night is worse than an army of piranhas in a hot tub. The nylons will keep your feet cozy while you dance, socialize, and have fun. And no, these Black Deluxe Fishnet with Comfort Sole stockings won’t help you catch any fish! So, don’t try heading to the ocean to catch some tuna when you slide on these puppies!

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