Ghost Face 16″ Hug Me Plush


Give your party this year a little more of a fright with the Ghost Face 16″ Hug Me Plush Doll. Create adventures and stories while you hide him out and about your party.

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Ghosts Are FriendsBeing best friends with a murderer who likes to pretend he is a ghost is all well and good, but it is even better to be best friends with a murderer who is just up front about it. That way you can set boundaries right away and make sure they know that it is not acceptable to murder you. It is all very open and fair.Product DetailsFinding the perfect accessory to complete your Ghost Face costume is as simple as getting this Ghost Face 16” Hug Me Plush. This movie-accurate accessory has all the detail that you are looking for, as well as being solidly constructed and great for a laugh. Instead of pulling out a knife and murdering your victims (boo), pull this out and surprise them in a nice way (yay)!

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