Mustache Kit


Do you lack facial hair of your own to complete your Halloween costume this year? Well then we have got you covered with the 4 Piece Fake Mustache Kit!

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When Are You From?Finding the perfect facial hair to match your style can be a huge pain. You spend all those days and weeks growing the hair just so you can cut them all back again. Then, when you don’t like the style anymore, you have to regrow them all again! It is an endless cycle of futility and loss.That is why we here at have come up with this classy, cool, and counterfeit Mustache Kit. Whenever you feel like it is time to make a change in your style, it is as easy as tearing the old one off and sticking the new one on! Need to look like a nineteenth century inventor? Check! How about a boat captain from old Mississippi? You’ve got it! To be honest, you really can’t go wrong with these great choices.Hairy SituationInstead of growing your own, we highly recommend you try this Mustache kit. The four different styles will change any outfit or costume you pair them with to create cool and new combinations that will blow you away. Not only are the styles different and amazing, but having the ability to change the color of your facial hair will wow those around you as well. You will love looking like you can grow the cool mustache of your dreams!

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