Treat Your Trunk Minecraft Prop Kit


Isn’t it a shame when you have to put aside the games to take care of all the errands you’ve been pushing off? Well, why not get Treat Your Trunk Minecraft Decoration Kit to bring the game with you!

SKU: 1265313021 Categories: ,


The Candy BiomeKids spend hours exploring the worlds of Minecraft. From vast forests, to underground caverns, and even dangerous Nether. What are they searching for? Well, new materials to craft new things, of course! We really wish there was a candy biome, though. Just image it. A location that’s filled with nothing but the most delicious candies in the world…Hey, hold on a minute! With this trunk or treat kit, you can turn your car into a delicious, candy-filled biome!Product DetailsThis Minecraft Treat Your Trunk Kit comes with everything you need to transform your card into the sweetest biome in the parking lot! The jut starts with four due-cut panels, each of which has Minecraft-themed artwork on them. Some of the included pieces include a large scene with an Enderman in the middle, material panels, TNT panels, and many others! It also comes with Steve, the Creeper, and a Skeleton! This kit can be used with most car and SUV trunks to help make your trunk or treat event a big success!

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